- Quality Submissions: We welcome your finest horror shorts and features.
- Completion Date: Films must be completed AFTER January 1, 2020.
- Original Work Requirement: Films must be the original work of the applicants...
- Submission Methods: Films must be submitted as an online streaming video via a participating platform (FilmFreeway),
a password-protected streaming URL, or on DVD/Blu-Ray with NTSC or PAL formatting (please test before sending).
- Age Requirement: Applicants under the age of 18 must obtain a parent or legal guardian’s signature to participate
in the competition.
- Clear Labeling: Please ensure clear labeling of your submission.
- Compliance Acknowledgment: By agreeing to the terms and conditions of Blood Pact Films' Horror Haven Film Expo,
the applicant acknowledges reading and agreeing to the following rules and guidelines.
- Submission Compliance: I have read, understand, and fully comply with all submission eligibility information,
Submission Guidelines, Terms and Conditions of Entry, and Entry Eligibility requirements.
- Truthful Submission: To the best of my knowledge, all statements in this submission are true.
- Legal Authorization: This film or video is not subject to any litigation nor threatened by any litigation, and I am
authorized to submit this film to the expo.
- Liability Waiver: I hold Horror Haven Film Expo, and its promotion team harmless from any claims of liability for
anything that might occur during the course of the expo or screening of the film.
- Rights Certification: I certify that I have full rights to the use of the music, print, images, and everything
contained in the film and/or promotional materials...
- Promotional Permissions: I give permission for Horror Haven Film Expo to use stills, titles, copy, clips, and/or
information from the film for any promotional purposes pertaining to the expo.
- Screening Authorization: I give permission for Horror Haven Film Expo to screen the film at the Expo for which it
was submitted.
- Press Kit: The inclusion of a press kit for your film is preferred but not required for submission.
- Return of Materials: DVDs and press materials will not be returned under any circumstances. Include a
self-addressed, stamped postcard for each submission if you wish acknowledgment of the receipt of your entry.
- Submission Review: Upon receiving film submissions, our panel of judges begins the process by
carefully watching each entry. They consider various aspects, including storytelling, direction, acting,
cinematography, editing, and overall production quality.
- Preliminary Scoring: During this stage, judges assign preliminary scores to each film based on
specific criteria. This initial scoring helps narrow down the selection to a shortlist of standout entries that
demonstrate excellence in filmmaking.
- In-Depth Evaluation: Shortlisted films undergo a more detailed evaluation. Judges delve deeper
into the films’ themes, technical execution, originality, and emotional impact. They engage in discussions to
analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each entry.
- Category Consideration: If the exhibition features different categories (such as documentary,
narrative, animation, etc.), judges evaluate films within their respective genres. Each category is judged based on
relevant criteria unique to its genre.
- Final Scoring: After thorough deliberation, judges assign final scores to the shortlisted films.
These scores reflect the overall quality and artistic merit of each entry. The films with the highest scores
become the finalists, showcasing a diverse range of outstanding filmmaking.
- Award Presentation: During the exhibition event, we celebrate the achievements of the filmmakers
by presenting awards to the winners.